

V2k Lyric excerpt from one of the several versions

©Kuango Seilah

 Did ya understand V2k?

They didn't wanna to hear it anyway, even when they're silent, they're talking, talking, talking, talking,  talking...

Many of the people who experience v2k say they have not experienced v2k their entire life,

it just happened to them suddenly,

outta nowhere

one day,

one afternoon,

one night!

  they can never

turn it off

wherever they go

it's always on,

and they didn't wanta hear it!

Did ya understand?

Chorus: Did ya understand V2k?

Did ya understand V2k? I was asked that question when I attended a educational conference concerning community based harassment, v2k and other social justice concerns.

I said no, Part of that person's explanation was; Right now while we're talking they're talking. I didn't see or hear anyone else near there talking only myself and the person giving me that explanation.

I have reason to believe that person is telling the truth about what they say they're experiencing along with the thousands of others who've complained and or expressed concern about the misunderstanding about V2k and the misuse of V2K.


did ya understand v2k right while we're talking they're talking ...

more about people talking .....

Many of the people who experience v2k say they have not experienced v2k their entire life,

it just happened to them suddenly,

outta nowhere

one day,

one afternoon,

one night!

They can never turn it off wherever they go it's always on.

Did ya understand?

Chorus: Did ya understand V2k?

They didn't wanna to hear it anyway, even when they're silent, they're talking, talking, talking, talking,  talking... it's not just that they're talking, its the things they say! Did ya understand V2K? 

Electronic mind/brain aggravation and it's not a hallucination, remote interrogation giving them unwanted information, all  without their consent, how you gonna be so quick to write people off about it, when there's so much history to people doing it,  experimenting on people without their consent. How long are we gonna the victims get blamed for it? Somebody experimenting on them without their consent.

Did ya understand V2K? They didn't wanta hear it anyway Even when they're silent they're talking talking talking... 

They didn't wanna to hear it anyway, even when they're silent, they're talking, talking, talking, talking,  talking... it's not just that they're talking, its the things they say! It's not just the things they say, it's the fact that they can be heard talking by those that they target with their words and  some how they hear those they target living their lives.

Its not just that they can hear each other it's who's making it so they can be heard? Its kinda complex and you don't know if you're next. Talking, talking a type of Invisible stalking done with v2k perps talking. 

some of the people who experience v2k will discriminate against other folks who experience V2K too, they aren't trying to help expose it, get to the root of it or stop misusing it.

 people in every nation warning us of a type of mind violation .......

Did ya call the conference call? Response: The conference call? They can't stop any v2k, do what's the talk about! I'm glad to know how you feel about that, but I like calling and brainstorming possible strategies of dealing with it and being empathetic to people by doing educational outreach and stuff like that.... everyone who experiences v2k doesn't handle it the same way .... 

End of lyric excerpt.

This song has several versions. It's a improvisational type of song designed to be updated with other infomation that couldn't be included in the time alotted for the song unless it becomes a 45 minute song like some of the Soul, Jazz. Funk and R&B songs from the 1960s and 70s, which I loved, it's over 20 min, but usually I've put up much shorter versions online, there was a longer version on online on soundclick, I took it down, it's still being worked on, but a few rough copies were uploaded, just for folks to listen to, not for sale. The most recent mix did not work out because I tried adjusting the sound level with a LUFS reference sound, a internal LUFS meter is probably better, I'm still learning about mixing & mastering. According to many LUFS is a better than using db. However, I did find out there are charts around that give the equivalent of db for LUFS.

Lyrics are improvisation style, which means the lyrics are not always the same. 

Here's a example of a long song:  Isaac Hayes' version of By The Time I Get To Phoenix is 18 minutes and some versions are 19 minutes, 1969.

The longest song to be in the number one slot on the United States song charts is: McLean's “American Pie” stretches 8 minutes and 42 seconds  1971

"As of 2019, Guinness World Records states that the longest officially released song was The Rise and Fall of Bossanova,” by PC III, which lasts 13 hours, 23 minutes, and 32 seconds. The longest recorded pop song is “Apparente Libertà,” by Giancarlo Ferrari, which is 76 minutes, 44 seconds long. Link



Song art for the song Did Ya Understand V2K?  more info about the topic near the bottom of page.

Targeted Individuals 


© Kuango Seilah


Community-based-harassment? Yeah I heard about that. They want people to suffer in silence and not mention it. Want 'em living in fear if they speak the truth they'll be discredited. Putting 'em through things highly unusual let 'em know what it means to be a targeted individual. They don't give a damn about the tears they cry if they did, they'd tell the truth right now and end the lie.

Unlock humanity's full potential end community-based-harassment because it's about time .......

Stop the fighting stop the fussing let's have a open discussion, tell the truth won't ya now about the  hating for nothin. You oughta give a damn about the tears people cried, tell the truth right now and end the lie. Putting 'em through things highly unusual letting 'em know what it means to be a targeted individual

    You oughta give a damn about the tears people cry and tell the truth right now and end the lie about putting us through things highly unusual letting us know what it means to be a targeted individual. .....

End of lyric excerpt

*This song has several versions*


Info and references

There's some educational and support  blogs, forums, podcast and conference calls available for some of the things mentioned here, do a internet search to find the ones best for you if you're interested in it. The opinions I express about this issue don't represent all researchers or T.I.'s / Targeted Individuals, I didn't even scratch the surface on it, it is a large issue with a lot of information and a variety of people working on understanding it, creating awareness and ending it, and that's being done in a variety of ways. To be clear all targeted individuals don't experience all of the things mentioned in description list that are in books and written about on websites online. Some folks only experience V2k, some folks only experience community based harassment, some folks only experience electronic or microwave harassment and some folks experience all of it. And many times not in the exact same ways. However like everyone else in life, sometimes T.I.s have difficulties but T.I.s know every difficult situation that occurs in the life of T.I.s isn't related to community-based-harassment, something many T.I.s are the first to say. 

Community-based-harassnent also called "Gang Stalking of Targeted Individuals in the News and some cases investigated by police. It's good to see everyone isn't dismissing the reality of community-based-harassment because it's important to that it is acknowledged and taken seriously." YouTube https://youtu.be/TWuIjeIzQ-E

Community Based Harassment

Updated April/20/2020

"Community Based Harassment" is a type of bullying. Sometimes it involves the misuse of V2k some times it has nothing to do with V2K. There are complaints from people of all races, genders, sexual orientations, all economic classes, disability communities, all age groups etc. about community based harassment which has several names. It consist of various types of gang ups. One of the types of gang up is repeats of events in people's lives, things they say, things said to them, things they read, write, listened to or watched on t.v. some folks also complain of media interactions repeats through many formats, internet searches, YouTube searches, text messages, phone calls, TV etc. It also gets called theater because some people planned to act out their gang up with various repeats from the person's life experience. Usually something recent.

One person said she was targeted in a store with her fiance, and some firefighter uniform acted out the sexual part of their romantic evening and made sure they saw them do their act aka "Street theater aka skit' about  the Target's private life. They made a circle with their fingers and pushed a banana in and out of the circle. How did they know they had just been romantic before they left home? Was it V2k, was it hidden camera? However it's done, there are complaints from people around the world about it. (Some investigators believe there is a combination of cameras and V2k being used to harass. Some of the folks who've investigated this believe when it's done with V2k, they don't need any cameras. Many of the investigators/researchers  have said helping to harass or target a person, doesn't stop those who harass people from getting targeted and harassed themselves at all).

 Gmb Bailey wrote Closing The Gapauthor Gloria Naylor wrote 1996

Cheryl Welsh with Mind Justice these folks as well as many other people have researched and investigated this and have all spoken in interviews or written about various parts of this topic. Electronic Harassment for some folks includes V2k, and there are many folks who say their electronic harassment doesn't include V2k. Again every targeted individual/T.I.  experiencing community-based-harassment isn't experiencing electronic harassment).

Some of the people on the receiving end of this kinds of harassment are called T.I.s/Targeted Individuals. There are people who say they've gone through this for more than 50 & 60 years, and have said they are aware of folks older than they are documenting it, which means it goes way back,  been going on a while. 

   Some of the folks who've been interviewed and asked why they are doing community based-harassment have said; "no reason, just because." Community based harassment was misused during slavery.

This video talks about a survivor of the  massacre in Greenwood who told her relatives, they couldn't talk about it because she and many others said they feared if they talked about it, someone would make happen again.

It sounds similar to people saying the same thing is occurring in current times, when they talked about painful events or attacks that happened to them, some people will repeat it/ try to make it happen to them again to harass and hurt. "99 Years Later, Wounds of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Have “Never Been Remedied”  YouTube link: https://youtu.be/mSJHyDJta84

 Is my phone listening to me?

Speaking  of repeats: This is a interesting news video clip with many media employees including Tv show  cohost Gayle King, voicing concerns about repeats of their things said and done in their lives. "Is my phone listening to me? We tested it, here's what happened" YouTube  https://youtu.be/CVazBWGgg64

They are vocing concerns about it being repeated in ads on their cellphones and possibly computers. They didn't mention that it can be done by people offline in person according to many folks. Just because they didn't mention it doesn't mean they haven't heard about it. However they did voice concerns that thousands have complained about and voiced concerns about for years, that is a good thing. Some of the fire wall apps stops the targeting with ads based on your private conversations in most internet searches but it doesn't stop the repeats on all of the apps. And some of the fire walls don't stop ads based on products you've looked at in  internet searches. The "No root fire wall" app works to stop the conversation repeats when you do internet searches, but doesn't block repeats in all thr app. They name an app that will help stop some snooping into your private life in their video clip. This link and write up is also in another section on this page.]🌷


 There are people in all communities complaining about people harassing them in plain sight with repeats, sound campaigns, and a host of other things too numerous to list. All communities, all races in the U.S. can do better that this, we don't have to keep it going on.

There is something called "the misuse of trauma" that the targetor is  attempting to take advantage of by harassing people this way on purpose. Because of misusing repeats as a weapon it makes it sometimes easier for tragetors to do in front of other people without those people knowing it unless they've learned about it. Repeats are only a small part of the harassment mentioned, some folks have called another part of it "sound campaigns" when targetors direct sounds / noises at their targets to disrupt their train of thought or talking to someone or while reading and thinking alone etc possibly to startle them on purpose, this is another part of this that is also done in plain sight done in ways that most people don't realize what is happening in front of them. Although more people do recognize some harassment tactics these days which is a good thing that it's getting exposed. I personally witnessed someone telling another person to harass someone else who was in another room while they were in the kitchen. They said; "every time she moves you make a sound, no not like that, you have to do it like this." The instructor showed the person to tap on a table, rattle paper or close cabinet doors louder,  tear up paper, click a pen or other similar sounds as soon as the person in other room presses the keyboard on their laptop, or cross their legs etc. And a long time researcher of this subject said, many folks instructed the person they were teaching to harass to deny it if they were comforted. This is a small example, but it is bigger than these few people's plans because it has been reported to also be done with a lot more than two people harassing one person or harassing /targeting several individual people who live in the same community, adult bullying can involved large numbers of people. The good news is everyone isn't doing it of course. I've witnessed many people say no to request to harass people in their community.

    This is the in person face to face instruction like in the example above, as one investigator put it they don't have to know you to participate in harassment towards you if you are the targeted individual/ T.I. or the person they're  pucking on. The TV show "What Would You Do?"  did a show on how easy it was to instruct people to harass and hurt another person they did not know and a person who had done nothing to them. In their show they used a example of someone showing a badge. But everyone who gets  people to do harassment is not wearing a badge and their are people who are going against another person or targeting people they don't know to harass them.

     We all want equality and acknowledgement of inequality without oppressors or anyone else oppressing people again just to do it again because oppressed people named what happen to them.

     Community Based Harassment can change/ be ended in our communities and we can improve our communities. It can change in all communities when people in all communities refuse to do it or pretend it doesn't go on. When people decide to change it, it will end.

Help change it on the other levels in our communities encourage change of hearts and minds and end community based harassment. There's more laws in some places that address communuty-based harassment also called: gang stalking (not like a inner city gang or rural area gang, in this situation it  means a group of average people bullying), also called adult bullying, terrorist stalking/cause stalking, along with several other names.


I'm still working on writing. I'm working on how to convey info so it feels similar to speaking face to face or on the the phone. I'm working on many other aspects of writing also. Something to keep in mind as you check out what I write, it's a work in progress.

Thanks for understanding.*

😊 Updated "Voice Of God Weapon" below

link info at the bottom about copper


The above title is for a article about weapon  information being removed from a military website.

My thoughts are: This type of technology should be taken seriously because this type of technology has been funded researched and tested. This is in the category of less lethal and non-lethal, there have been people killed by so called non-lethal weapons, so the terminology can be misleading and misused.

   Some of this type of technology that was funded, researched and tested was listed on a military.gov website as product items.      

        One weapon that was once listed there with a description is: V2K. V2k weapon defined "Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports."  Its been documented that such technology is around So calling those folks crazy for saying they hear v2k or technology  like it, isn't wise, we should be aware of possible damaging weapon pollution that could harm innocent people. I mentioned this article another time and I think it's good to mention it again. Link written article ARMY YANKS 'VOICE-TO-SKULL DEVICES' SITE link

🙂 LRAD's CEO Woody Norris Describes His Company's " Voice of God" Sonic Weapon"  LRAD Weapon YouTube link 

"LRAD - Long Range Acoustic Hailing Devices" YouTube  can broadcast  over 2 miles away, it can be made very loud or very very low volume, it can mounted to helicopters and more. The ACLU has expressed concern over the use of LRAD aka Long Range Acoustic Device  by law enforcement in the United States at public events. link 

V2k: Transmitting sound to target people without being seen or heard by other people can be done in many ways, some of which is being acknowledged by mainstream media:

"So what happened? New York Times science writer William J. Broad’s new investigation offers a plausible answer: microwave weapons. Microwaves are short radio waves that do many mundane things, like link cellphones to antenna towers, relay messages, and, yes, cook your food. Theoretically, they can also be beamed at your head to cause pain and damage your nervous system. In fact, various governments have tried to develop microwave weapons that do just that, and even zap spoken words into people’s brains." Bulletin Of Atomic Scientistshttps://www.google.com/amp/s/thebulletin.org/2018/09/microwave-weapons-may-have-caused-us-diplomats-mystery-symptoms/amp/

Recent Microwave Or Sonic Attack From Whom? Cuba Said We Did Do A Sonic Attack On US Diplomats NY Times documentary  https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/americas/100000005848783/how-an-alleged-sonic-attack-shaped-us-policy-on-cuba.html?smid=pl-share

 "The Business Of Less-Lethal Weapons" YouTube https://youtu.be/RHNWVObsFyw

Is my phone listening to me?

This is a interesting news video clip. With media personnel vocing concerns about repeats of their things said and done in their lives. 

"Is my phone listening to me? We tested it, here's what happened" on YouTube  https://youtu.be/CVazBWGgg64 

They are vocing concerns about it being repeated in ads on their cellphones and possibly computers. They didn't mention that it can be done by people offline in person according to many folks. Just because they didn't mention it doesn't mean they haven't heard about it. However they did voice concerns that thousands have complained about and voiced concerns about for years, that is a good thing. Some of the fire wall apps stops the targeting with ads based on your private conversations in most internet searches but it doesn't stop the repeats on all of the apps. And some of the fire walls don't stop ads based on products you've looked at in  internet searches. The "No root fire wall" app works to stop the conversation repeats when you do internet searches, but doesn't block it in all app. They name an app that will help stop some snooping into your private life in their video clip.

 Mental Health Foundation In The UK

" It is estimated that between 5% and 28% of the general population hears voices that other people do not.  1. Hearing voices is an auditory hallucination that may or may not be associated with a mental health problem. It is the most common type of hallucination

in people with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.

(every mental health professional doesn't agree  with calling hearing voices/V2k  a auditory hallucination). 

2. However, a large number of otherwise healthy individuals have also reported hearing voices." Link


In "2002 , the Air Force Research Laboratory patented  a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head." Want to know


There are lots of patents like this that say they use various methods to transmit sound/words etc. to humans. However because there are many stories about people saying hearing each other when they were far away from each other and many other stories that date far back in time, leads some folks to think it might be naturally occurring, or made to occurr by other means that don't require modern technology possibly.  There was a complaints about hearing voices in the 1700s, the complaint said the British parliament had a machine that was transmitting sound and harassment to a person there. There are several complaints and there stories about hearing voices that aren't complaints that go back hundreds of years. I would like to get more information about these older stories about people hearing V2k or similar in ancient times. If you have any information you want to share on this send it.

I know there are statements by people who believe it is done with microwaves and people with laptops next door or in various places throughout neighborhoods transmitting V2k. There are also statements from people who question that theory based in the large numbers of people experiencing V2k all over the world. It's not just that people complain about hearing voices, it's what the voices are saying to them. One person said they were being told things about people while they were talking to the person, another person said they were being called names all day whether they talked with anyone else or not, and the last example which I've used before, another person said they were mentioning the clothes they were wearing. If it's done to these folks w/microwaves along with all the other people around the world, how is a microwave tayloring the V2k to targeted targetors to then repeat it to targeted individuals, all different information at the same time, is it done with AI? To know what they're wearing, who they're talking to? People have said somehow they see what they see, if they don't look at it they can't repeat it. For example someone said they knew every password they typed, so they tried a password manager and typing and not looking at it copy and save it, and she said they stopped repeating her passwords. Not only did they repeat it to the target, but some of the other people heard it who hear V2k and some of them used the password. So she noticed if she didn't look at it they couldn't leak her passwords with V2k to other people who hear it and use it, everyone isn't going to use that kinda information even if they do hear it. But because there are those who will, it is a problem that needs solutions.  it's not only passwords information that is involved. 

They fine tune or custom the V2k that people are complaining about that is V2k specific to them and their lives. It is not just them hearing voices, it is what is being said. This would be very hard to do to thousands of people at the same time with a laptop or microwave weapon from a house in one neighborhood or two. If it's done with technologies it is more advanced than that. Some folks have said there are vans and other vehicles in neighborhoods outfitted w/microwaves ovens converted to directed energy weapons and then used to direct them at some people. I use to have a picture of a example of that made to raise awareness by a doctor in Germany years ago. But after doing more research I'm holding off on putting it up again.

With that said, however it is done, the large numbers of people complaining about V2k around the world, all of them, aren't making it up, something is going on, is it some type of technology helping to victimize people w/V2k if so it needs to be exposed. Whether V2k is natural occurring or not there are patents for various types of technology that can used foe exploiting and abusing people with V2k or there wouldn't be as many complaints. Some folks have said it could be pollution or side effects of testing non lethal weapons and some folks mention the possibility that it is illegal non-lethal weapons testing on people not side effects just illegal experiments.

Another puzzling or interesting piece of information is, while talking with Leuren Moret in person  she mentioned Mordechai Vanunu whom she met they share similar training, both worked in nuclear weapons industry. I don't know if she mentions this about Mordechai in her interviews posted on YouTube but she did in person and in a radio interview years ago. It was very interesting, it would be great to have more information about this. Leuren said Mordechai Vanunu told her he worked on computer software that was to be used to do mind control to populations on a worldwide scale, so it would be sync-ed worldwide wherever the person goes. She said he became a whistleblower who was targeted for speaking out and became a political prisoner in Israel.

I think there's more discoveries to made about the details. Its not impossible for someone to misuse V2k even if it's naturally occurring is also real people have used naturally occurring things to hurt before it's not new.

Because of things written by some of the former "pro mind control of human beings" scientist it is implied that they wanted to control thoughts, that's naturally occurring but can be misused. Thoughts isn't the only thing they were seeking to control.

Another possibility is: humans, animals and plants pick up metals from the environment, food and beverages and some of those metals are conductive, if people become more conductive over time, due to the more metals they pick up in their body through food and water then it would possibly make them more available to certain types of  frequencies or electromagnetic waves in nature and human made or microwaves etc. maybe a directed energy weapon could exploit that "more conductive". These just ideas tossed around not something I'm saying is fact. And even if having high levels of heavy metals are not the cause of some folks hearing or experiencing V2k, having high levels of heavy metals might enhance any such technologies misuse or a person's reception to them. It might not matter either considering how many different technologies have been patent that are seeking to accomplish the same thing.

🙂 Copper is a known conductor

Thereare many types of metals people take into their bodies just living. One of them is copper, copper is considered a great conductor for heat and electricity, that's why it's used a lot. Link to a short video clip about copper it gives a list if ways humans are exposed to it. Copper - Occupational & Environmental Exposure Concerns"  YouTube https://youtu.be/MCrlgy4N0us

Raw garlic removed the toxic metal lead from the chickens it was given to. Maybe it will work for humans to remove lead and other metals like copper from human our bodies.

Links to information about experiments on the brain, mind and more Artichoke, mkultra Mkoften


Interview with Leuren Moret on Mind Control and more "Leuren Moret Jade Helm Homeland Security Domestic Pacification Mind Control" on YouTube

No doubt people are working on more effective ways to talk about these issues

This picture of the 2015 United States  budget chart is from the National Priorities site you can download a copy there, link: https//www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/spending/

How can anyone keep insulting people with statements like the majority of the United States budget goes to social security when social security got approx $29 billion and the military got approx $598 billion in 2015, now it's closer to 1 trillion, how can they insult people like that? Some say the military yearly budget allotment is already over one trillion, if you add in NASA, and other organizations that are military but have separate budget allotments.

That chart shows the military getting  ten times more than other organizations that are important to our society. How much of that military budget is spent on technologies that target human beings with neurowepons, V2k technologies, the voice of God weapon, directed sound weapons etc.?

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