
Bqktw Commentary

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Some of photos used on bqktw commentary are fair use rights photos, and others are ones I took.

The photo of the drawing:  When I did this drawing it was originally drawn with a pen and markers on a wooden surface. Later edited on a cellphone with a S pen.

Bqktw Commentary

These comments are not to make up your mind for you, it's to encourage thought and dialogue about various topics and to create interest in what other folks think about various topics and to inspire beneficial awareness and change when necessary  in our world


My apologies for any writings errors; they'll be corrected when discovered by us. Thanks for your understanding.✌🏾


California teen invents device that puts out fires automaticallyYouTube



Watch "JSYK: 5 Hotep Talking Points Straight From White Supremacists" She gives alot of good information in a video clip that a little over three minutes, it's short but a well packed commentary and she's covering alot of topics, topics such as  miuse of afrocentric speech, anti-semitism, racism, homophobia, sexism plus more. Link to "Intelexual Media" YouTube https://youtu.be/PLcCm3NQy8k


Angela Davis Criticizes "Mainstream Feminism" / Bourgeois Feminism" Angela Davis shares her experience with being called a feminist.  YouTube 


Photo: of rural Sonoma County taken by Kuango Seilah 

 "Creator Of Term ‘Critical Race Theory’ Joy Reid Talks With Kimberlé Crenshaw Who Explains What It Really Is. Kimberle' Crenshaw is the woman who coined the pharse Critical Race Theory" YouTube https://youtu.be/n4TAQF6ocLU

Continued from Bqktw Commentary 1

Colorism and Internalized Racism: Some Of The Effects Of White Supremacy And Is Also Some Of Ways Human Beings Have Fought To Hold On To Divisions Or Discriminatory Practices For Millennia Which Is Made Worse By Racism continued

 "How Did the Rwandan Genocide Happen?" This video talks about the division approx 1:50 minutes into the video and gives some of  the historical division that is documented of teaching certain groups of Africans they are superior to other Africans which lead to the genocide in Rawanda. This kind of teaching obviously went on in other parts of Africa including Etiopia/Abyssinia.  Before the division of the Hutu and Tusi by Belgium it was common for Tusi and Hutu to be honary members of each others tribes.

YouTube https://youtu.be/ul0iwsMWKdM

A colonial legacy of division

"The Belgians viewed the Tutsi minority as superior, and favoured Tutsi for leadership positions. This favoritism created ongoing and deeper tensions between Hutu and Tutsi." Link to written article and more video info about this. Human Rights.ca  link


Sexism Needs To Be Eliminated:These Women Fought Back

 " Norway Women's Beach Handball Team Gets Fined for Shorts" The men's team gets tp wear shorts, but they demand the -women wear bikini bottoms and not shorts. These women rebelled and wore shorts anyway. Link YouTube https://youtu.be/XgIPRovDmJ8

Photo Taken in Laytonviile Ca Area 101 photo by Kuango Seilah

Photo Taken in Laytonviile Ca Area 101 photo by Kuango Seilah