
Bqktw Dismantling Rape Culture

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from Kuango Seilah

August 2017

Women were considered property in many parts of the world. Many nations have laws against this now, oddly enough there are still places on earth where women are considered property.

"1855 In Missouri v. Celia, a Slave, a Black woman is declared to be property without a right to defend herself against a master’s act of rape."

2017 "Though marital rape is illegal in every state, many states treat it differently, or less severely, than other forms of rape.  For example, some states have imposed a less severe penalty for marital rape, imposed extra reporting requirements like a shorter deadline for reporting the rape, make it harder to prove marital rape by requiring a showing of force or threats rather than a lack of consent, or do not criminalize the rape if the wife is unable to consent due to, for example, a disability."

Currently in the U.S. many matches to call attention to the demand to end rape have gone on and will continue until the goal is achieved.

2017 However, in many countries where child marriage is an accepted practice, governments also fail to criminalize domestic violence and marital rape. 14 Milion girls a year raped in the name of forced marriage.

Over 40 countries globally have a prevalence of child marriage, some of the countries where this occurs are Niger, Chad, Bangladesh, Guinea, Central African Republic, Mali, Guinea, Nepal, Mozambique, Uganda, Burkina Faso, India, Ethiopia, Liberia, Yemen, Cameroon, Eritrea, Malawi, Nicaragua, Nigeria, and Zambia. Link

There is still  a market for buying and selling people, some  girls are sold and then forced to marry some as young as 6 years old many when asked said they didn't want to be married. This is part of dismantling the rape culture around the world with exposure of rape around the world.

Gambia and Tanzania outlaw child marriage Link

Activist Around The World Are Dismantling Legal Rape

Laws that let rapists marry victims must be abolished, Mideast activists say

Several Middle Eastern countries are facing growing pressure to close legal loopholes that allow rapists to escape punishment by marrying their victims. Link

"Living the Legacy: The Women’s Rights Movement (1848-1998)

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” That was Margaret Mead’s conclusion after a lifetime of observing very diverse cultures around the world." From National Women's History Project's site. Over in 1998? Why stop there, it needs to still be

going on doesn't it?

I believe the movement continues.

Some say The new womens Movement is The End The Rape Culture Movement. Link

" A man could legally rape his wife in North Carolina until 1993." This law is a example of the legal sexism and misogyny taught in our society it is part of the "institutionalization of prejudice towards women. Unlearning this too is very important world wide. These types of laws have fed and supported a culture of rape and disrespectful attitudes towards women that is so deep rooted that when males are raped they "feel like a woman" a phrase meant to be a insult it names hatred for women directed at males. It has been misused to shame men over various things. It is still rooted in sexism.

  Even though laws have changed in many places more work is currently being done to improve the attitudes towards women, men, children, lgbtq, transgender, the disabile and elderly, to improve the attitudes towards rape survivors, rape victims and improve the awareness of the damages of rape culture so it can be ended. Back


Nwhp: Legal History Of Women In The United States

Nwhp the National Women's History Project is a great resource for information on their website and books and more.

Mother Jones Magazine: Men Defining Rape A History by

Erika  Eichelberger

Mother Jones is a excellent magazine with great authors that write informative articles issue after issue.

Law Reform Efforts  Rape In The USA

I mention the Women's Movement and the same thing applies to the Civil Rights Movement some say is over. Over in 1962 or 68? Why stop there is that accurate information, isn't it still going on? Aren't rights still a issue? Some how I believe this movement also continues.

Some sources say the new Civil Rights Movement is The Black Lives Matter Movement.

Taking down the confederate flag in Columbia South Carolina is a Movement's beginning Bree Newsome is brave.